Call for Papers
ICCEAI 2025's Topics include but are not limited to:
Computer Engineering
1. Big Data
2. Bioinformatics
3. Cloud Computing
4. Computer Architecture
5. Computer Network and Security
6. Computer Programming
7. Database Technology
8. E-Commerce and E-Government
9. Image Processing and Acquisition
10. Information Management System
11. Natural Language Processing
12. Operating Systems
13. Procedural Programming
14. Quantum Computing Theory
15. Software Engineering
Artificial Intelligence
1. Automation
2. Control Engineering
3. Data Mining
4. Fuzzy Control and Fuzzy System
5. Genetic Algorithms
6. Intelligent Data Analysis
7. Intelligent Systems and Language
8. Knowledge Discovery
9. Machine Learning
10. Machine Vision
11. Medical Diagnostics
12. Neural Networks
13. Pattern Recognition
14. Robot
15. Support Vector Machines
Electronics and Communication
1. 5G Networks
2. Advanced VLSI Systems
3. Biomedical Electronics
4. Broad Band Communication
5. CDMA and Spread Spectrum
6. Embedded Wireless Systems
7. Intelligent Communication
8. Mobile and Optical Communication
9. Network Security
10. Semiconductor Technology
11. Wireless Communication
12. Wireless Sensor Networks